Worldwide Bandplan

Worldwide Table of Frequency Allocations

PerCon's Worldwide Table of Frequency Allocations is multinational Table of Allocations (TOA) that covers over 195 countries and/or entities. It is a sole source product and is the only searchable database of its kind. Searches across single or multiple countries can be performed using the easy to use DataLinks Database Engine. Many outputs are available, and range from ASCII, HTML to Google Earth KML, JSON and Excel. WTFA now supports the EFIS-XML output format. WBP now supports a new and dynamic visual interface. Visual Table of Allocations is now available to WFTA users.
Try the demo: VTOA Demo

Worldwide Bandplan

Embedded applications

Attention Developers and Manufacturers! If you are interested in integrating the most complete Worldwide Table of Frequency Allocations into your product, please contact Chuck Pergrim, President of PerCon at (716) 386-6015. Embedded Systems - Worldwide Table of Frequency Allocations (ES-WTFA) is now available. ES-WTFA is a compact extract of WTFA for use in hardware, such as SDR, Receivers, Frequency Counters, Signal Analyzers, and Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Equipment. PerCon Master Frequency Database is also available for use in Embedded Systems. Custom formats of both products are available. Contact PerCon for more information.