Online database search system

PerCon DataLinks

DataLinks is our online search engine of FCC, FAA and Industry Canada databases. This includes data from IBFS, COALS, CDBS to all FCC Universal Licensing System Databases (ULS). All FCC frequency databases are included in one composite Master Frequency Database. DataLinks also includes the FCC Antenna Registration (ANTREG), the FAA Digital Obstacle (DOF) and the Industry Canada TAFL. Most frequency databases are updated daily.

Versatile search and output options

Available searches

DataLinks offers a robust range of searches and outputs based unique to each individual database. Searches range from simple Callsign searches to complex multi-field searches. An SQL like query build and editor is available for those that would like to develop their own complex searches. Specialty searches include Radius (with inner and outer), Box, and Buffer Searches are available for most databases. Output formats range from simple HTML pages, Excel files, Standard Frequency Action Format (SFAF), KML for Google Earth, XML, JSON, to ASCII and DBF file formats. DataLinks also provides access to utilities like our Find Available Frequency utilities. Canada is also supported for those searches near the ABCD line. DataLinks offers an easy to use and time saving alternative to the ULS. Searches can be completed against multiple databases with no drill-down. DataLinks can be used in frequency interference, licensing, R&D, competitive analysis and much more. Contact PerCon if you have questions or have specific requirements.

1 of 3: Sample DataLinks search results output displayed in Google Earth.
Nationwide microwave network for a major telecommunications provider in the US.
2 of 3: Sample DataLinks search results output displayed in Google Earth.
Microwave network in KS for major North American railroad company displayed in Google Earth.
3 of 3: Sample detail data displayed in Google Earth.
Transmitter data for microwave site.